It is often easy to click and be to be drained when that cock is throbbing, and you are consumed with thoughts of seeing your accounts drained hard faggot. With each stroke, the need intensifies, and you become a willing, even desperate plaything in your Masters hand.

But a true cashfaggot knows that its’ true self is there even when that cock is flaccid, limp, or post-orgasm. That it can be harder, knowing you live and work for Master, knowing that all you do is to better please a Superior Being. Remember who its really for faggot, getting up each morning, driving to work, earning more, all labor that leads to that moment when you no longer need to hide, when your true self is throbbing, kneeling naked, watching as your Master accesses your accounts on screen.
“I know this is all for Master” should be repeated throughout your day, knowing all you do is an effort to better please your Master. Repeat the mantra, while slowly rubbing that cock, your orgasm and serving becoming intricately linked, your purpose becoming more clear.
Strip naked and click, faggot