No doubt you have tried countless searches online, visited many websites, and even clicked thousands away to fill the need you have to serve. But what is this need? What is, in its purest form, financial domination?

First, the domination aspect. With most forms of domination, it is a display of power, shown by putting the dominated in a position it would not normally want to be in. After all, if the submissive is guiding the process, it cannot truly say it is being dominated. To be true domination, one person is in complete control, and the dominated, or submissive, feels powerless to fight it.
This removes most “domination” fetishes from the equation. If a submissive is paying another, even a so-called “master,” to suck its cock or to be whipped or to lick him feet, it’s not domination, it’s a transaction. Very common, but nothing more than a transaction.
Few men can imagine simply handing cash over to a random person on request. Should a random person ask for say, $100, most would simply laugh and walk away. However, when true financial domination is involved, the mental control the Master holds over the submissive fagot causes it to not only comply but crave more. An average man who would never comply with a random request for money now find itself craving losing financial control to its Master, and this need only intensifies with time.
You need it. A deep need to serve, and be used. But its specific. You need a Master you crave and respect, you need to feel and know His power. And you need to feel the long-term pain of serving, needing to give up access to the one thing you work daily for, and have been raised to value most: cash.
You would not be here, reading this, without the need you have. You ae here for a reason. You cannot run from what you are.