Countless times, immediately after you have shot a load clicking hundreds away to your Master, the feeling returns, along with the familiar promises. I’m done. I’ll never do this again. This was the last time, Repeat.
There are feelings of worthlessness, real financial pain, and thoughts of what it would be like to save the cash instead, or spend it on family or investments.

But in that moment, often naked, legs spread wide, cock softening into its cum-filled crotch, is that is exactly where the cashpig belongs. This is where it feels its most complete, its deepest needs most fulfilled.
A cashpig is not worthless. A cashpig has a significant advantage over millions of other humans lost in the world: you know what you are. You know your role. You serve. Financially. You are of use to superior beings. This is where you belong.
Countless humans wander aimlessly wondering what they are. They read philosophy, find religion, seek therapy. And spend thousands in search of why they feel lost, and hopeless. Society has told them they need a spouse, partner, kids, career and countless other checkmarks on some list to be fulfilled. Yet despite checking off those boxes something remains missing.
But not for you. You work, live, breath, to serve. Feeling cash drain brings you to heights others can only dream of. Seeing savings dwindle, one click at a time, brings your life meaning. Each load shot out of that cock as you are cashfucked takes you deeper into the hole you crave, desperate to know there is no turning back.
Where some dream of a family, you dream of seeing an account zeroed out. Where others find God, you long to watch your Master drain everything n Teamviewer. While other long for vacations and luxury, you sit there, stroking, thoughts of being broke in service to your Master consuming you. Just seeing a $0.00 balance on that account, credit cards maxed out, desperately working to earn more to be raped harder guiding your life. No faggot, you are not worthless. You know what you are. Unlike so many others around you. And your desperation to be fucked over and used by your Master brings meaning to your life like few others.
Thank you for this!