Most cashfaggots crave the build-up, slowly draining until the pressure builds, then the hard, fast fuckover, often ending with the naked pig covered in cum and sweat, hundreds if not thousands of dollars raped in minutes. Those living the lifestyle for some time recognize this well.
But the need does not always intensify with a slow build up; at times, throughout the day, a trigger, often in a vanilla setting, will set it off. Something you scroll by online, an interaction with a co-worker, a demand made by a relative, all vanilla interactions, yet something hits you in a perfect way and at the right time that triggers the need in you to be used. And hard.
It has been taking place more frequently, as faggots email or message randomly needing it. “Please fuck me over Master” messages have been coming in, begging the phone rate to start off at $50, or a hard series of emails that may last no more than 5-10 minutes and drain a few hundred.
For some, calling at $50 a minute or clicking a $100 mail is exciting, but not new. For the desperate fagot pushing past these former limits, its an intense rush that they often have to come close to a few times before actually taking the step forward.
Make no mistake faggot, in the moments you are worked up, a vanilla trigger setting the craving off, you will be consumed by it, unable to work or think of anything else until you give in. And here is when your limits will fade away, and the rush will reach new heights.
You will find yourself in a bathroom stall, pants down, cum still dripping from your cock, freshly wallet fucked. And you will know that you are always only one trigger from being back here, in the same place, with more drained the next time.
Yes! This is so true! In my 20 years as a cash fag this has happened so many times in vanilla situations. Something will trigger me to simply send a text and send my fag cash. My fag dick will be instantly hard and I will send until I blow my fag load and feel the utter humiliation in my fag brain. That humiliation is what makes me tick and what makes me keep running back for more. Great blog post, Sir!
Right and feels so hot to be a cash fag.