How Much Will Be Drained?
The total now close to $500, it needs to feel its limits pushed. Its close, the cashpig is throbbing, stroking, yet raw, cock desperate to explode yet needing to true loss of control to do so.
Here, I have multiple options. Seeing it beg has Me hard, and often stroking as well, and hearing the desperation in the faggot voice can get Me to explode. So raising the phone rate to $25 or even $50, having the desperate fagot call in to feel it drain, can result in both shooting loads and a very intense fuckover.
Or the mails increase. The trance the cashpig enters seeing a $300 mail, $500 mail, and in some cases $999 has them screaming for it. And I get to see how quickly the faggot has fallen, mails often sent and it clicked immediately, evidence of a complete loss of control.
Some rapings have been a few hundred dollars, and some thousands. The largest online raping I have ever done is over $13,000, and within 2 hours, that cashpig was back for more.
The point of each draining is to bring you to a complete loss of control. For a cashpig, that feeling is the ultimate fulfillment, it brings you closer to parts of you that have been kept hidden. Naked, legs wide, accounts open, exposed. The perfect life of the cashpig.
thats not my experience. i have given bigger amounts some years before, up to 700 euro a session. but i realized, it is not, what i want. naturally, as a cash pig i want that. but when i can think more clearly, espacially, when i have cum, i see, that i can spend my money more effectivly, in a way, that is better for my life. meanwhile i spend 25 euro for a session. these sessions are shorter. but i prefer this amount. it doesnt have a bigger impact on my life – and that is good. but i can also satisfy my urge for findom in some way with these shorter sessions.
I think Markus is missing the whole point of being a cash faggot
“some fantasies are meant to remain fantasies” – Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Sexologist. Markus is daring to address the reality of these “games.” While it is possible to understand the allure of an “ultimate” in bdsm (snuff; castration; actual physical (chained) enslavement (bought and sold); financial ruin; etc)… the question lingers… “Ok, so what are you going to do for an encore ? ” Seemingly, by definition, “true” and “pure” cash slavery cannot be sustainable… “sustainable” is possible… much like the mafia might seek not to bleed (in exchange for “protection”) a small business “to death,” but rather to milk it routinely with a sustainable sum… so, sure, that is possible, too, but what Markus speaks of is trying to honor the wishes of his “upper head” (which is able to have more control over his conduct AFTER an orgasm) … presumably, it is exactly the “loss of control” (when the lower head is “mindlessly” and gleefully giving away the store in pursuit of this intoxication), that many are pursuing down this path ?