Deeper Financial Domination: Bankruptcy
The thoughts have lingers in your mind, often intensifying: meeting with an attorney, your Master beside you, guiding you through the Bankruptcy process, an attorney you never met looking on. The finality, knowing it has all bee drained, maxed out credit cards, feeling the true power of the one Master who control you.
Cravings still consume you. Thoughts of being forced to strip naked there in the office, signing those final forms while kneeling, sucking Master cock one more time, the entire process recorded. The thought has you hard, even as you convince yourself you will never go that far.
But in reality, there is a long list of cashfaggots that have been there, filing for bankruptcy, listing countless items as the reason but avoiding the truth: that they felt it drain away while stroking their throbbing cock day after day. To the judge and the courtroom, they show remorse; the reality is they craved this for years, searched constantly for a Master that would make it happen.
And what your Master knows, and you will find out, is Bankruptcy is not the end. Your credit is destroyed, you are humiliated to family and friends, but you will go to work, focus more, and rebuild. You will save, open new credit cards, and lines of credit. Even buy a home, accumulate assets, and grow again.
And what I know, and any Master knows, is you cannot run from what you are. You will return, lingering on the edges for a while, as the need grows. Then you will lose control, and feel the true fuckover begin once again.
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