This wasn’t the life you chose. You didn’t wake up one day and choose to be a cashpig. It wasn’t some measured, researched career path.
It was the existence you were born into. Sure, years passed before you realized it. But there were signs. Feeling incompetent sexually. Realizing that the fulfillment others felt in relationships and sex were something you never truly felt. Yes, it felt good, but you wondered why you didn’t chase after it like others did.
And then the signs grew. Confident and dominance in others began to excite you, although at first you didn’t truly understand it. You began searching out newer forms of porn, looking for the rush you so desperately wanted. And then it happened. The thought, the picture, the video that showed one person truly dominating another. Using them. And the idea of using another did nothing for you; the idea of being used did.
It started as a desire to be used sexually. Not just some bottom, but used. Your holes on demand. You didn’t think of sex as some loving embrace, but in your fantasies, you were an object. Ready at a moments notice to be used. Your arousal and orgasms didn’t matter, being used for anothers pleasure did. How he came inside you and left, how he fucked your throat and left. You kneeling alone jerking off later, your cock didn’t exist to superior Masters.
And then you needed more. You wanted to, not only be used, but sacrifice and suffer for Him. Send cash. Work harder. Send more.
At first, thoughts of sending $20, $40, even $100 excited you. Paying His gym membership. Paying for workout clothes. Messages stating He was out and getting beer and wings, and to send. And you sent every time, stroking as you clicked.
And then it needed to go deeper. You needed to suffer. Cash drained from checking, then savings. Adding debt for His pleasure. Seeing credit card balances increase, and soon you were jerking off to those credit card statements.
And now, you accept what you are. This life you were born into. You did not choose it. But you accept it, and now crave it.
Now, give in. Simply email ‘I need you Master.” And be ready to take on even more debt faggot.
Or simply stroke and click here.